Forever Young And Beautiful (Mount Roxby #2) by Aimie Jennison


Beautiful eighteen year old Ruby Wilson always wished she'd inherited the werewolf gene like her brothers. They were her father's favourite, leaving her to feel hated, or even worse, like she never even existed.

Once her father took her brothers to live with him in his pack when they reached the age of sixteen, Ruby was left all alone with her heartbroken mother, who turned to drugs and drink, to get through the day.

Realising she needs to get away and accepting her fate she finally starts to settle down and starts to enjoy living as a human among her brother's pack.

Life runs smoothly for a while - until the unthinkable happens. 

And life for Ruby will never be the same again.

My Review:

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about this book is crying. My heart broke during one stage of this book, but I'm getting ahead of myself. 
Ms. Jennison's writing is incredible and so captivating, I couldn't put this book down. The writing style is lively and emotional, so much that most of the time I felt as if I was literally standing in a room with the characters. I wanted to hold Ruby's hand most of the time, hug Theo a few times and DAMN, I wanted Jared. While I missed the characaters after book one ended, I know that I'll be even more impatient to see them after book two. 

Ruby struggles with who she is, who her brother wishes her to be, what the pack expects her to be and even more with the guy she's in love with. She never gives up, and that's what I admire about her. Ruby is a heroine that Aimie Jennison created well. You can identify with her and throughout the whole book, you know you wish you could be her.

OMG, her brother came back. No, not Theo, the OTHER brother. The bad boy. The lost wolf. BOY, he's incredible and I so cannot wait to read more about him. Okay, I totally love him already.

And of course, I absolutely loved the glance we got into the vampires' lair. Let's face it, we all love the bad guy.

Thank you, Aimie Jennison, and now hurry the fuck up to write the next book!




(All pictures found on google.)


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