#WantToKnowWednesday: Bully romance

Hey guys!

It's me! Today with a normal blogpost. I don't know if we ever did one of those, but yeah, here I am. xD 
I know bully romance is huge. Like... It always has been, but what exactly is it that appeals to readers when it comes to that?
I have to say I'm rather hesitatnt about the whole genre--or is it trope?--and therefore rather seldomly pick up books like that. I've tried too many, from popular to not so popular, and a lot have left me feeling weird, or disappointed.
However, every now and then I stumble across a book like that purely based on the cover. (Yes, okay, I admit it, I'm a cover-buyer, and I have bought books for their sexy abs and nothing else... 😆) 
Well, Becca Steele's Trick Me Twice was one of those, and OMG, ever since then I'm on love with that woman and her brilliant mind (okay, and her books, but come on, it's all one and the same. After all, her mind creates the stories) and it's bully I can do.
Which kinda brings me to a question.
Where do you draw the line? Do you read bully romance, and if, where does the bullying get too much for you? When does it start to ruin the H for you?
I've been reading a few, and physical injuries (after tripping her and similar things) kinda get me to a point where I just stand and shake my head. 

However, if they are 'just' assholes? Yeah, I admit I find a lot of them hot then. Like Caiden Cavendish (yes, we're back at Becca Steele) and his three best friends. I mean... *fans herself* Could there be a hotter group? I cannot think of one right now. 

Anyway, this is it for this week's #WantToKnowWednesday. Should we make that a thing? I think we should totally make that a thing.
Also, Becca, if you're reading this... I love you. Can I please have Caiden in the mail soon? Please?

xoxo, Sam


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